Friday, November 12, 2021

Being alone is not that bad

 This week has been a really awkward week, and the particular reason for this is because my parents left me for a whole month by myself. My mom had to attend some important appointment in Honduras but I couldn't go because of school and soccer. I feel really glad for her because she hasn't been there in 16 years, but at the same time, I feel a little alone now that I'm home alone as in the movie lol (Home Alone). My cousin is here too but he's working and it doesn't feel the same because he doesn't spend much time at home and when he is here, he is always with his girlfriend which is not bad but I feel lonely sometimes because my mom and I were almost all the time at home and now is just me and my cat. 

Now I know how this guy felt lol 

My friend said that I should be happy and I really am, but the only thing that they don't see is that I would like to be with her too. Now, I have a lot of time to meditate and be alone which is good but sometimes I get bored, and one thing I do to distract myself is doing community service for my scholarship and for fun. Where I go to do community service is in Halo Animal Rescue at Scottdale, and doing this, makes me feel better because I enjoy spending time with animals, and to be honest is a good way to release stress and have some fun, because who doesn't like puppies and kitties? The only negative thing about this is that I get too attached to the pets and sometimes I want to take them home with me but I can't lol :'(. 

Some people say that I should take advantage of being alone but to be honest, I will rather be alone than making a party, not because I don't like them, but because I don't feel like it. My cousin thinks that I'm depressed but I believe that is just because I'm alone most of the time, also some friends stopped talking to me, which now that I think about it, they don't seem like real friends now. Things are a little different now but I think that is for a good reason, but like always, new things are difficult to adapt to. I believe that I will just have to live one day at a time, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow just enjoying what I have now and ignoring the negative things. 

Now that I have a lot of time to be alone at home, I might try to find new hobbies or maybe just try to enjoy the things that my mom used to enjoy at home, like watering the plants. I will be in my mom's shoes for a while, which is going to be a good way to get out of my comfort zone, which is something good to do once in a while. I will probably don't have much time to be with my friends which some people will say that it shouldn't be like that but, I just want to take a break from my routine and try new things or stop doing some things for a while and see how I'm going to be. Maybe these are some obstacles that life is putting in my way to make me stronger which I love challenges and this one is going to be one of the hardest, in my opinion, but the impossible things are more likely to achieve than we think. 

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