Sunday, November 28, 2021

Everything has a conclusion

Since I first started my first blog, many things have changed like my mentality, my perception of life, and most importantly my mindset. One of these changes was my perception of soccer, I thought I really liked playing soccer, but to be honest I noticed that I love playing soccer for fun because when someone doesn't trust me or doesn't have enough trust in me, soccer doesn't feel the same. However, thanks to soccer I got to meet new people, new places, and new experiences. One thing that I found out that I really don't like being alone because I really thought that I like being alone but actually I love being alone for a certain amount of time to meditate or dedicate time to myself, but being alone for more than a month is really something that I thought I would enjoy but actually is the opposite.

However, there have been good things despite the hard times. For example, meeting new people that some are really good friends that I hope to have in the future, and also having fun, having time to be alone and meditate, and it might have not been the best semester I ever had, but for sure is not the worst. I was able to meet new places like Prescott or Yuma, and my soccer season didn't end the way I wanted but I believe that better things are about to come. Thanks to soccer I was able to meet one of my idols which is a Honduran professional soccer player Roger Espinoza, which is a friend of my coach. I have enjoyed every single minute that I spend at school and with the team because those are unique experiences that you live just once in your life and there is no point in putting all my thoughts with the negative things. To support all of these things is the opinion of some of my closest friends and family, they said that it had been a good time for me, even when things didn't go as I thought they would. 

My mom in Honduras is having a really good time with the family and she's always saying people the good things that had happened to and I feel good when people say that they are proud of me, but they just see one part of the story but they don't some things that might not seem that cool. My mom says that to make everything better, she will bring me a lot of roquillas and hojaldras

I feel that this final blog so far feels like I'm finishing a cycle because these blogs had been there to help me out to sometimes let my emotions go just say what I want to say, a way to relieve myself. I know that some of my classmates are just doing the blogs for the credits and they might not care a lot, and to be honest, at the beginning I was doing it for credit too, but now I feel that these blogs had helped me to grow mentally and I see them differently. I might not be the best writer or the best one doing blogs but I really enjoyed doing them and I know that in the future when I looked back at them, flashbacks will come to me and they will make me remember and feel what I wrote in them. Maybe some people will say that this is kind of dumb but in my opinion, everyone sees things differently and everyone grows in a different way. 

I feel that my life so far has been like a roller coaster with a lot of ups and downs, but every moment I was trying to learn the good things from them. If I had to resume the best thing that had happened this year, it would be when I signed my contract for GCC, and the person who has been inspirational to me was Alberth Ellis. I know that there are better things that will come and I might not be ready for them, but I will try to enjoy them and learn from them because I know that those experiences will help me to grow as a better person and the things that had helped me to be where I'm, I will never forget them because thanks to all the things that happened either good or bad, I'm here thanks to them and if I could come back in future and change things, I would take the same choices I have taken because I would choose to be where I'm 100 times and I will never regret it. Some people would correct the mistakes that they have done but if they did that where would they be now? would they be happy? Everything is left to your opinion.


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Everything has a conclusion

Since I first started my first blog, many things have changed like my mentality, my perception of life, and most importantly my mindset. One...