Thursday, October 21, 2021

Everyone is looking at us

 This week the GCC soccer team made the playoffs, and that is something that has not happened in the last 10 years. Everyone on the team is really excited and they are working hard to have a good development in the playoffs.  Our coach says that he knew this going to happen and that the playoff is just the first step because he is respecting more things from us, he says that the teams can easily make it to Nationals, and that is our goal for this year. The teams that we have played with said that we have a great team, but there are some people that thinks that this was just luck, that we played against easy teams, but the reality is that we had a rough season, we had a tough time but thanks to those fails, we became a stronger and better team. 

To be honest, I haven't played much this season, but that is something that doesn't bother me because I rather not play much if it means that the team will have a performance. There are some people from outside that say that I wasn't important for the team, but I believe that if I was not important for the team, I would not be here. They see me as not an important part of the team, but I see myself as part of a family, without me the team would not be the same, it doesn't mean that I'm the best player, but someone who is important for everyone on the team. 

I see myself having a good season, even when sometimes I'm not 100% ready mentally to play or to be with the team because sometimes that happens to me, I lose concentration really easily when it comes to important events. If someone ever reads this, what do you do to concentrate before an important event? That would really help me a lot. 

What I do before an important event is just listen to music and eat my favorite chips Zambos which is a typical chip from Honduras. Being an athlete that is not that good but sometimes because I'm nervous I don't know what to do. Some people say that I should clear my mind and just mentally see myself at the event, doing great, and having a positive mindset, but sometimes I don't know how to do it. This has affected me a lot because sometimes I don't get called up because I am not mentally ready, and that is something that I would like to change. 

Sometimes this makes me have a negative mindset, even sometimes some of my teammates think that I might not be good enough to be there, but I just try to ignore that and just try to do my best to show them that I deserve to be with them. Some of them think that I'm lucky to be there, but I think is not luck but hard work and discipline, because before coming to play soccer I just wanted to focus on my career, but the coach told me that I have talent, that I might not be the best, that I might have to work twice as hard to be important in the team. Now I just try to ignore what everyone says and just try my best, even when sometimes I do things wrong I blame myself, and punish myself, and some people around me just tell me to forget about it and just try again, and that has been the best advice that someone has told me this week. Even though I'm happy for the team, I'm not happy because I feel that I was not important to achieve that goal, but that's is something that I have to learn how to overcome. 

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