Sunday, September 19, 2021

I don't share the same feeling

 This week has been a regular week for me, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either but I still living everyday day by day. I don't feel like that but sometimes I just don't have good like everyone but it's okay, it's part of life. However, there were great things that happened this week like we won our game 6-2 against Gateway, my mom and dad made remembered me that they are proud of me for my progress here, for what I have done to be where I'm and that made my week. 

This week I got injured during practice and I have been trying to recover as soon as possible to play with the team, but the coach told me to take it easy, that I should rest to be 100% when the time is correct. I have been running every day, I go to the gym, I eat well, I get enough sleep, and rest, to make everything faster.  People around me say that I should be happy because my team won, and I'm, but not 100% because I wanted to be there with the team, I wanted to feel that excitement for winning, that feeling that makes everyone happy that makes you feel like a champion. I feel like a champion as a team, but not as an individual. 

I do some really weird faces when I play ;(

This week with the injury and everything I have had a lot of time to think about me, I have been thinking about what a great opportunity I have, not only for my education but for my future, for soccer, for everything that you could imagine. My mom is always saying that I'm blessed because God has never left my side, and I agree with her, but sometimes I stop and think about if people are destined to be blessed or to suffer if they suffer, what they have done to deserve that suffering. Also, I read a book called Mercy Rule, it has been the best book I've read this year. I don't really like reading but once in a while, I do it, to try to improve a little bit my writing skills. 

Mercy Rule by Tom Leveen
I really recommend this book 

With all this time I had this week I've felt nostalgic, I really miss how everything was in high school, my country, my friends, soccer, classmates, everything, but I guess that after every sacrifice we have a reward, I can't see what mine is yet. I haven't traveled this year and I really want to go Islas de la bahia in Honduras, with my family. Also, I even wanted to change my haircut to Mason Mount's because I really like his hair and because he's also a soccer player. Another interesting thing about the week was that the artist Lil nas X dropped his new album and to be honest I feel that I connect with it, some people don't like his music, and I'm not really a fan of him but sometimes his lyrics hit me hard and sometimes I see him as the coolest person in the world, and sometimes I wanna be like him too in the way that he's not afraid of what people said, he is just being him. I feel sometimes I wanna be like someone else, and I feel that it is not correct, I should not try to be like someone else, I should try to make everyone be like me, because I wanna inspire people to find their own way, to find themselves, but how can I help someone to find themselves when I haven't found my self yet. I feel that my purpose is not clear yet when most people that I know seem to have found their purpose, but I don't know how to find mine. Everyone has a purpose in life, but how do we find it? 

                                                      A meaning to life: How a sense of purpose can keep you healthy | New  Scientist

I truly believe that luck has nothing to do with it, how successful you are gonna be because I think success is reached through hard work. However, some people say you are really lucky to be where you are, and I don't think that is appropriate to say, because people that really work hard don't like hearing about luck but about what they have been through to be where they are. I believe that everyone builds their own way to success because that's what they are destined to be successful but they're destined to be successful because they work hard what while everyone is sleeping they are working hard. 

I believe that you build your own path because you can't follow the same path as others because people say I wanna be like him or her when I believe that it is worn to think in that way because you have to be you, see the world in your own way.  People should be the best version of themselves and not just be a copy of other people. We all follow someone like famous or someone in our family and we say, " I wanna be like him or her" and there is nothing wrong with it, but I believe that people should like stars, everyone shines in their own way. 

25 Best Quotes About Being Different To Inspire You To Be Yourself
Most people say no one is perfect. 
I say everyone is perfect in their own way. 

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